A message from Cathy

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all managing to keep safe and well in these challenging times. It’s safe to say we have all had to adapt to new routines and ways of working to keep us going.
Karl and I have just come to the end of a two week self-isolation period at home. Thankfully, we’re both well and managed to spend two weeks cooped up without hurting one another. One of my finer moments of self isolation was discovering that you give Karl a jigsaw, he is quiet for hours. Perfect.
It is in times such as these you realise how important family and friends really are, and with daily contact via video chat, we have kept our selves sane and those smiles on our faces.
It goes without saying that supporting our community is incredibly important to us, particularly after the selfless dedication they showed to us in our time of need. So, when we heard about the lack of hand sanitiser and the pressures on our NHS and emergency services, we dove straight into exploring how we could help.
After plenty of research, experimentation and sourcing, we finally managed to get our hand sanitiser out of the door last week. So far, we have supplied the NHS via NYCC, the midwifery team at the Friarage in Northallerton, Abbeydale nursing home in Ilkley and RAF Leeming who are supporting the NHS with their helicopters.
We are all so humbled by front line staff and their phenomenal dedication in such unprecedented times. During times like this, we realise how much we all take the NHS for granted, yet they are always there with open arms when we need them. From all of us at Masons, I would like to share a heartfelt thank you for all you do.
We have also supported some of our local shops that are staying open and key workers in and around Bedale. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to your profession.
I also need to say a massive thank you to our amazing team. Some are working from home, some have been furloughed and some are still working in the distillery. Once again, they have each shown dedication and loyalty and Karl and I, and we could not be more thankful.
We at Masons salute you all.
Stay home. Stay safe.
Cathy Mason